periAzhwAr eulogises Srirangam in these pAsurams. He saysthat the place had abundant pundits well versed in
reciting Vedas. People were good-natured and looked after
guests well. Cauvery flowed copiously, flowers bloomed and
bees sang the praise of Lord. The Lord of Srirangam,
who had accomplished great deeds through His avatars,
showered His blessings on devotees
maadhavaththOn puththiranpOy maRikadalvaay maaNdaanai
Odhuviththa thakkaNaiyaa uruvuruvE koduththaanoor
thOdhavaththith thUymaRaiyOr thuRaipadiyath thuLumbi engum
pOdhil vaiththa thEnsoriyum punalarangam enbadhuvE.
Diving into the ocean to rescue great sage sAnthIpiNi's dead son;and returning him alive as fees to the guru for the learning done;
Place where vedic men dipped into cAuvEry wearing clean dry dress;
causing lotus spew honey, is Srirangam that never fails to impress.
piRappakaththE maaNdozhindha piLLaikaLai naalvaraiyum
iRaippozhudhil koNarndhu koduththu oruppadiththa vuRaippanUr
maRaipperundhee vaLarththiruppAr varuvirundhaiyaLiththiruppAr
siRappudaiyamaRaiyavarvAzh thiruvarangamenbadhuvE.
In a moment the Lord revived 4 sons who died soon after birth;and restored them alive to their parents; His chosen berth,
where vedic men did rituals as prescribed & tended guests well
is Srirangam where such great vedic scholars chose to dwell.
marumakan than sandhadhiyai uyirmeettu maiththunanmAr
urumakaththE veezhaamE kurumukamaayk kaaththaanoor
thirumukamAych chengamalam thiruniRamAyk karunguvaLai
porumukamaay ninRalarum punalarangam enbadhuvE.
Brought back parikshit, son of His nephew abhimanyu, to life;Being a guru, saved pAndavAs from perishing in the great strife;
Black lilies looking like His body & red-lotuses like His face;
rub each other in the waters of Srirangam, His dwelling place!
kUnthozhuththai sidhakuraippak kodiyavaL vAykkadiyasolkEttu
eenReduththa thaayaraiyum iraachchiyamum aangozhiya
kaanthoduththa neRipOkik kaNdakaraik kaLaindhAnUr
thEnthoduththa malarchchOlaith thiruvarangam enbadhuvE.
When the hunchback lady sounded off kaikEyI, who's cruel;Hearing her harsh words, forsaking mother & the right to rule;
He went wandering in the woods; killing asurAs; He chose to stay
in Srirangam where nectar-filled flower gardens lay all the way!
peruvarangaL avaipaRRip pizhakudaiya iraavaNanai
uruvarangap porudhazhiththu ivvulakinaik kaNpeRuththAnUr
kuruvarumbakkOngalarak kuyilkoovumkuLir_pozhilsoozh
thiruvarangam enbadhuvE en thirumaal sErvidamE.
When rAvaNa secured rare boons & used them in evil waysLord killed him in battle & saved this world from bad days;
kurava tree shoots, kOndu ones shed flowers, cuckoos call;
and gardens abound in Srirangam, the chosen place of thirumAl.
keezhulakil asurarkaLaik kizhangirundhu kiLarAmE
aazhividuththu avarudaiya karuvazhiththa azhippanUr
thAzhaimadal Udurinchith thavaLavaNNap podiyaNindhu
yaazhin isai vaNdinangaL aaLamvaikkum arangamE.
With His Discus vanquishing asurAs from their roots, so that;none could resurface; He chose Srirangam to lie flat;
where the bees, entering screwpine petals & their body smeared
with white pollens, sing praises to Him, who's is revered.
kozhuppudaiya sezhungurudhi kozhiththizhindhu kumizhththeRiya
pizhakkudaiya asurarkaLaip piNambaduththa perumaanoor
thazhuppariya sandhanangaL thadavaraivaay eerththukkoNdu
thezhippudaiya kaavirivandhu adithozhum seerarangamE.
The Lord brought death to the asurAs who did many wrongs;made their fat rich blood rush out like flood; He belongs
to Srirangam where the uprooted sandalwood trees
dragged by the cAuvEry, reached Lord's feet, to please.
valleyiRRuk kEzhalumAy vALeyiRRuch chIyamumAy
ellaiyillAth tharaNiyaiyum avuNanaiyum idandhAnUr
elliyampOdhu irunchiRaivaNdu emperumAn kuNampAdi
mallikai veNsangUdhum madhiLarangam enbadhuvE.
As varAhA with strong tusks & nrusimhA with sharp tooth;lifted vast earth & hiraNyAkasibu; He shines as truth
in walled Srirangam where, in twilight, bees with wide wings;
resemble blowing jasmine-conch, sing His praise without strings.
kunRaadu kozhumukilpOl kuvaLaikaL pOlkuraikadalpOl
ninRaadu kaNamayilpOl niRamudaiya nedumaaloor
kunRaadu pozhil nuzhaindhu kodiyidaiyAr mulaiyaNavi
manRoodu thenRalumaam madhiLarangam enbadhuvE.
His body's like dense cloud over a peak, like dark-blue lily;like roaring dark seas & like dancing peacocks; He stays really
in walled Srirangam where breeze pass through mountain trees,
the 4 streets & breasts of slim-waisted-women, as if to tease.
paruvarangaL avaipaRRip padaiyaalith thezhundhAnai
seruvarangap porudhazhiththa thiruvALan thiruppadhimEl
thiruvarangath thamizhmAlai vittuchiththanviriththanakoNdu
iruvarangam eriththaanai yEththavallaar adiyOmE.
Getting big boons, rAvaNa grew arrogant & pride;Lord fought & finished him; He chose Srirangam to bide;
Who worship, the slayer of madhu & kaitaba demons, our gem;
with these 10 tamil pAsurams of periAzhwAr, let's serve them.