
Sreemathe rAmAnujAya namaha
Sreemathe nigamAnta mahA desikAya namaha
🙏 obeisances to the great preceptors of Sri Vaishnavism 🙏

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Hello friends,

Hearty welcome to you all.

This blog is a small attempt by me to bring together, in one place, the Divya Prabandha pAsurams (a composition of tamil songs glorifying God. Here, God refers to Lord Narayana & His ten avatars), sung by great Azhwars, the meanings, explanations and audio clips. For those who need an introduction to 'Divya Prabandham' and the related terms, please click this link. The objective of this work is to present in simple terms the great poetic and spiritual masterpiece of the Tamil saints. I would be happy if this blog achieves my aim of spreading further the word of Divya Prabandham to as many people as possible.

The blog postings are made in Tamil & English versions separately. In the tamil version, I have generally followed the published discourse of the great scholar 'Sri Kanchi P.B. Annangrachariyar Swamy' on the subject, for translating the pAsuram meanings in Tamil, taking care to keep it simple. In the English version, the translations are descriptive in some places and in some other I have tried to present the meanings in poetic format. Omissions and commissions, if any, are entirely mine.

Please check the Blogger communication page for information on updates, video links to related topics etc.

You can click on the Index links below to navigate to the pAsurams in respective versions:

Index to pAsurams in Tamil
Index to pAsurams in English

Hope you will enjoy singing the glorious pAsurams of Azhwars and receive their blessings.

Sri rAmAnuja dAsan

Grateful acknowledgements to various free resources on 'Divya Prabandham' available on the internet and particularly to 'dravidaveda.org', 'vedics.org', 'ramanuja.org' etc. Special thanks to Sriman Venkatakrishnan Swamy (Thiruvallikeni) and team for their rendering of pAsurams in such a divine tune & tone and the entire credit goes to them for the audio clips that you find in the blog. Narayana Narayana