sri maNavALa mAmuni thaniyan
Composed by azhagiya maNavALan
(Namperumal of Srirangam)
श्रीशैलेश दयापात्रम् धीभक्त्यादि गुणार्णवं I
यतीन्द्र प्रवणम् वन्दे रम्यजामातरम् मुनिम् II
shreeshailEsha dayApAtram dheeBaktyAdi guNArNavam
yateendrapravaNam vandE ramya jAmAtaram munim
The importance of this thaniyan is that this wascomposed by namperumaL of srirangam in praise of
maNavaaLa maamuni. This is said to have happened
in srirangam when maNavaaLa maamuni was giving a
discourse on thiruvaimozhi, the Lord came in the guise
of a young boy and offered him this thaniyan.
Since the supreme Lord Himself has composed
this thaniyan, it is customary to sing this thaniyan
at the beginning as well as at the end of
Nalayira divya prabandham recitation.
Guru-parampara thaniyan
Composed by sri kooraththAzhwAr
लक्ष्मी नाथ समारम्भाम् नाथयामुन मध्यमाम् I
अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्ताम् वन्दे गुरु परम्पराम् II
lakshmeenAtha samAramBAm nAthayAmuna madhyamAm
asmadAchArya paryantAm vandE guru paramparAm
This thaniyan is a composition by sri kooraththAzhwAr,who was the chief disciple of the great AchArya sri rAmAnujA.
sri kooraththAzhwar salutes the guru-parampara tradition
starting with lakshminAtha, nAthamuni in the middle and
ending with his AchArya.
Composed by sri kooraththAzhwar
यो नित्यं अच्युत पदाम्बुज युग्मरुक्म
व्यामोहतस् तदितराणि त्रुणाय मेने I
अस्मद् गुरोर् भगवतोस्य दयैकसिन्धोः
रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये II
yO nityam achyuta pAdAmbuja yugma rukma
vyAmOhatastaditarANi triNAya mEnE
asmadgurOrBagavatO asya dayaikasindhOh
rAmAnujasya charaNou SaraNam prapadyE
Through this thaniyan, kooraththazhwar offerssaranagathi at the feet of his AchAryan
sri rAmAnujA. He states that sri rAmAnujA,
who is always at the lotus feet of Lord achutA,
renounced the worldly objects and pleasures
so thoroughly that he considered them equal
to ‘grass’ and nothing more. He also says
that sri rAmAnujA, who is an ocean of compassion,
is our guru as he possessed all the
divine and auspicious qualities.
nammAzhwAr thaniyan
(Composed by Sri ALavandAr)
माता पिता युवतयस् तनया विभूति:
सर्वम् यदेव नियमेन मदन्वयानाम् I
आद्यस्य न: कुलपतेर वकुळाभिरामम्
श्रीमत् तदङ्घ्रि युगळम् प्रणमामि मूर्ध्ना II
mAtA pitA yuvatayastanayA viBootih
sarvam yadEva niyamEna madanvayAnAm
Adyasya nah kulapatEr vakuLABi rAmam
shreemat tadangri yugaLam praNamAmi moordhnA
ALavandAr sings this thaniyan in honourof nammAzhwAr, who wears the exquisite
garland of vakuLa flowers and is a leader
among seekers. He says in this taniyan
that hitherto he considered his mother,
father, daughters, wealth etc., as the most
important in life. But now after attaining
the divine feet (tiruvadi) of Sri nammAzhwAr,
he sees everything, including all his
relatives, as only the thiruvadi of nammAzhwAr.
AzhwArs & udayavar thaniyan
Composed by sri parAsara bhattar
भूतं सरस्य महदाह्वय भट्ट नाथ
श्रीभक्तिसार कुलशेखर योगिवाहान् I
भक्ताङ्घ्रिरेणु परकाल यतीन्द्रमिश्रान
श्रीमत् पराङ्कुश मुनिम् प्रणतोस्मि नित्यं II
Bootam sarasya mahadAhvaya BaTTanAtha
shree BaktisAra kulaSEKara yOgivAhAn
BaktAnghrirEnu parakAla yateendra miSrAn
shreemat parAnkuSa munim praNatO asmi nityam
sri parAsara bhattar composed this thaniyanat the instance of sri nanjeeyar. He pays
obeisance to ten AzhwArs and sri rAmAnujA
in this thaniyan. The rest of the AzhwArs
are considered to be the different parts of
the body of nammAzhwAr. BoodathAzhwAr is
considered the head (thirumudi), poigai and
peyAzhwArs are the two eyes respectively,
periAzhwAr is the face, thirumazhisai AzhwAr
is the neck, kulashekara AzhwAr and thirupAnAzhwAr
are the two hands respectively, the holy chest
is thondaradi podi AzhwAr, thirumangai AzhwAr
is the naval , yathirAjA( sri rAmAnujA) is the
sacred feet and ofcourse, nammAzhwar is the
swamy who possess all these parts in his body.
periyAzhwAr thirumozhi thaniyangal
Composed by sri nAthamunigaL
गुरुमुकमनधीत्य प्राह वेदानशेषान्
नरपथिपरिक्लुप्तं शुल्कमादातुकामः I
श्वषुरममरवन्द्यम् रङ्गनाथस्य साक्षात्
द्विजकुलतिलकं तम् विश्नुचित्तम् नमामि II
gurumuKamanadheetya prAha vEdAnaSESAn
narapatiparikalptam SuklamAdAtu kAma:
s'was'uram amara vandyam ranganAthasya sAkSAt
dvijakula thilakam tham vishNuchittham namAmi
periAzhwAr did not have a formal educationin shaastrAs from a Guru. Despite this, he
successfully established the paratatwa
(the supreme principle) of shriman nArAyaNa
in a conglomeration of learned scholars invited
by the pAndya king. This he did by citing pramAnAs
(proofs) from vEdAs and vEdAntAs. Impressed by
the AzhwAr’s achievement, pAndya king rewarded
him with prize money. Salutations to the periAzhwAr,
who is the father-in-law of Sri Ranganatha
(because of his daughter Andaal’s marriage to
the Lord who is the Lord of nithyasoories and
devas) and who is variously known, as the
“gem among brAhmanAs” and “vishnu-chiththan”.
Composed by sri pAndya Bhattar
minnAr taDa madiL Soozh villiputtoor enrorukAl
sonnAr kazharkamalam SooDinOm
munnAL kizhi aruttAn enruraittOm
keezhmaiyinil SErum vazhiyaruttOm nenjamE vandu
pAndya bhattar who has composed this thaniyanin honour of periAzhwAr states that our heads
will be placed at the feet of those who just
says “srivilliputtur’ even once. He describes
srivilliputtur as a beautiful place with Forts.
He further says that since periAzhwAr has
established the paratatwa of shriman nArAyaNaa,
and won the prize, we can be sure that we have
closed the path to Hell.
Composed by sri pAndya Bhattar
pANDiyan koNDADa paTTarpirAn vandAnenru
eeNDiya Sangam eDuttooda vENDiya
vEdangaL Odi viraindu kizhiyaruttAn
pAdangaL yAmuDaiya paTTru
During a ceremony when periAzhwAr was taken ina procession seated on an elephant accompanied
by sounds of drum beats and blowing of conch,
the pAndya king extolled “Here comes pattar pirAn !”.
We seek refuge in periAzhwAr who established the
paratathwa of shriman nArAyaNa in the assembly
of great scholars with pramanAs from Vedas and
took away the prize money.